Five dynamics of creative development. An introduction to the five steps of the creative process for healthy development in pers

Riferimento: 9791220101608

Editore: Europa Edizioni
Autore: Ziskoven Johannes; Van Vugt Ad
Collana: Fare Mondi
Pagine: 202 p., Libro in brossura
EAN: 9791220101608
17,90 €
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The Five Dynamics of Creative Development proposes a framework for exploring and better understanding the complex and beautiful process of development and growth. This creative process takes on many forms, however always following the structure of underlying dynamics. The work is focused on recognising the dynamics and creating the right environment and conditions for growth to occur naturally. At its root lies the assumed reality that love is the true force behind positive growth, and that every human being has this basic capacity. Based on 45 years of experience working in mental health institutions, it is written by a young explorer of Art Therapy, who will guide you through a journey of positive and playful learning. It is a book full of recognition and useful tips for anyone who is personally interested in growth, creativity and change, as well as for parents, therapists, teachers and other professionals.